How long does it take to ship your products?
We take 2-4 days to process your order and then 1-2 weeks to deliver it to you.
to you.
Do you ship worldwide?
Yes, we do. We ship worldwide.
Where do you ship from?
Our offices are in Bordeaux, France. Our international warehouse is located in
in China.
Do you provide product tracking?
Yes, please wait 3 days after placing your order and if you haven't seen your email,
ask us via info@univibe.shop
My order is missing some items, what happens?
Our products are shipped separately according to your order. If your order contains
from two different warehouses, there will be two deliveries.
deliveries. The rest of the order will probably arrive shortly.
I've received a damaged item. What can I do about it?

We're sorry to hear that. Simply send us a picture of the damaged item
damaged item to the following email address: info@univibe.shop and we will send you a similar
item as quickly as possible.
Where are you located?
We are located in Bordeaux, France.
I still haven't received my order. What's taking so long?
We apologize for the delay. Sometimes, international shipping
may take longer than expected due to customs clearance. However, you can
track your order and see where it is at any time. If you still
still require assistance in tracing your package, or would like to enquire about this, please
please contact us by e-mail at the following address
Do you have a refund policy?
We do our best to resolve any problems our customers may encounter
with their online items. If you would still like a refund on your
refund on your order, we can of course complete the payment, if the
payment, provided that the claim is made within 30 days of the order date and the
and the product(s) are not on sale. For further information,
please read more about our refund policy

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)